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Building Integrity Program

The Community Development Program of Beaver County has been working on a way to aid commercial property owners with vacant/dilapidated buildings located primarily on the main street of low-moderate income communities in Beaver County that need immediate mothballing/stabilization but have the opportunity for rehabilitation overtime.


Our program will offer a rebate of $25,000 for any mothballing/stabilization related construction. Our goal is to encourage and provide momentum for property owners to preserve their buildings and prep them in the short-term with a long-term vision of reinvestment and revitalization.


The full program guidelines are available here.





The purpose and objectives of the program are as follows:


  • Eliminate substandard or deteriorating conditions in the Beaver County downtowns;

  • Promote a climate for reinvestment in revitalizing neighborhoods;

  • Leverage CDBG funds with private funds as part of the larger effort to encourage revitalization;

  • Preserve the architectural integrity of property located along public roadways.

If you are interested in applying for our program, please click the "sign up" link below.

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